In Drawing, students will experiment with several different art materials and tools to see what each tool can do best. Students will explore ordinary things around them to become more observant of the structures and meanings of things which can be seen in your their home and community. Your work will be your own study of the forms, textures, movements, and patterns of the things that you see every day. Each project and each lesson is based on the one before it; so always do the lessons in the order they are given. Be sure to follow the directions exactly regarding which materials, sizes, and subject matter to use for each project. Each lesson will be a study of a new way of drawing. The examples given will show only the method and materials to be used, never the same subject or size as the project assigned. The examples are never to be copied. An example will only show one way of using the technique described.
Required materials are listed within the course.
Optional Materials
Academic Level: MIDDLE_SCHOOL
Catalog: Kenosha
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
Source: Accelerate Ed